5 Ways to Take Care of Your Furs!

Fur products are unlike any other garment or accessory. The saying goes, “nothing can compare to the real thing”, and that is especially true with fur products. When buying a high-quality fur product, the luster, softness and durability is noncomparable to synthetic or low quality pelts. Maintaining your furs however, is the key to having them look brand new for years.

Here are 5 easy ways to take care of your fur so that they can last forever:

  • Store your furs properly

Proper storage is essential to having your furs looking great for years. Because fur is natural, it needs to breath. Avoid storing them in boxes or synthetic garment bags. If you do need to store in a bag or box, make sure it allows the garment to breath.

  • Avoid direct sunlight

Long periods of direct sunlight can fade your products, losing brightness and shine. Luckily, most people don’t wear a lot of fur in the summertime. It doesn’t mean that you must avoid sun entirely, but walk in the shade when you can, or wear them on snowy days.

  • Don’t heat dry your furs!!!

If your furs are wet from rain or snow, DO NOT dry them with a heat source or blow-dryer. Doing so will damage the furs. If your fur is wet from rain or snow, give it a good shake and hang it in a dry and ventilated area. Once it’s dry, give it another shake to pouf it back up and you’re ready to go!

  • Always use a professional

Never try to clean or treat your furs at home. It is highly advised to have a professional clean, mothproof or repair your furs. Despite there being many products on the market that offer home solutions for cleaning, and rip/tear repairs, it’s not an adequate substitute to professional services.  

  • Professionally Clean your Products

Having your furs cleaned once every other year (or every year depending on usage) is a sure way to have them last forever. The cleaning process will remove dirt, pollutants or stains and will revitalize leather by applying necessary oils.

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